Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Minor dock progress

Another busy month of work and gardening has left little time for progress on the railway.  I have managed to start the base scenic layer of ground ballast at the Boxer Bay Docks.  Again drawing inspiration from many photographs of the S&DJR docks at Highbridge.  It's slowly coming together.  All for now.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Connoisseur Models Saloon Coach Kit 3

 Summertime always brings more gardening, fun time at the beach, and a busier work schedule.  So not much activity on the railway.  In the last month plus I've managed to make a little more progress on my coach from Connoisseur Models.  Still enjoying the challenge and rewards of building my first etched brass model in decades.  Looking forward to painting (& hiding) my messy solder joints !

Thursday, July 4, 2024

"Josie" returns to work

 After a long absence,  for scheduled service,  BBR Terrier #3  "Josie" returns to work.  Service included wheel cleaning,  pickup adjustment,  lubrication, and an overall cleaning.   She's seen here at Windrush Junction, shunting the goods yard.  An L&Y cattle wagon is a long way from home !  How it ended up in Somerset, is up to ones imagination :)

Monday, May 27, 2024

Boxer Bay Dock Wall + Hedge

 I took advantage of a day off from work to make progress on the dock wall of Boxer Bay,  which is heavily inspired by the S&DJR dock at Highbridge -  see 1930's archive photograph.  I really like the combination of a stone & timber wall, makes a nice contrast.  The wood was stained & lightly weathered.  I'm no artist,  so just attempt to make it "look good" at a distance.  I'm happy.  A ton more to do,  not to mention the boats & water.

Another job was improving a scene I wasn't entirely happy with.  The stationmasters house at Windrush Junction,  I did not like the shrubbery ;),  and thought a traditional hedge would be more fitting.  Made from simple cheap cleaning sponges & typical foliage.  I think it improves the scene overall.  Monty Python approved !


Sunday, May 12, 2024

sweet shunting

 Just having some fun shunting.   Amazing how therapeutic shuffling some wagons around the goods yard can be,  provided the tension lock couplings are working correctly :)  It's the simple pleasures.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Sunday Snap

 BBR #1  making up the daily goods for Boxer Bay.  Local lad Anthony is hoping to see a Dean Goods bring in the GWR daily mixed train today instead of the regular 45xx.