Sunday, January 26, 2025

Heljan Ruston 48DS - On Trial

 A new addition for the docks at Boxer Bay,  something completely different,  a Diesel !    Wow,  didn't see this one coming.  It's such a neat looking little thing,  and at £130,  I just had to have one.  After all,  Colonel Stephens utilized internal combustion power on many of his lines,  so why not ?  With the earliest examples being built in 1937,  I figured I could justify having one.  Her job will be to shunt the docks.  Just how reliable over Higgin's Horse she'll be, time will tell, so she's "on trail".  She may or may not stay in this color scheme,  but will be customized,  not sure how yet.  She runs beautifully,  and weighs a lot,  so well done to Heljan.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

"New" Passenger Coach joins BBR stock

 A "new" acquisition for the BBR,  one of those nice Stroudley designed ex-LBSC Brake 3rd coaches by Dapol.  We've had our eye on one of these for awhile.  Colonel Stephens finally gave the approval for funds to be transferred from the mattress to complete the purchase.  We can only hope this extra coach proves so popular, that it will increase patronage of the line.  It was rather in need, as the lease ran out on the S&DJR 6 wheel coach which had to be returned to Highbridge for use on their railway.  Perhaps it will be seen again someday when the S&DJR start up weekly services to Windrush Junction.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Trackwork adjustment

Something a little different on the railway this weekend,  some track adjustment / installation.  One of the annoying aspects I discovered while operating the railway ( playing trains ),  is the kickback siding / entrance to the loco shed at Windrush Junction was just short of being capable of stabling the branch passenger train consisting of two short coaches.  Thus blocking a loco entering and exiting the shed.   

Coming up with a solution proved easy,  as I found floating in the spares box a remaining piece of Peco track just long enough to extend the siding to the necessary length.  Problem solved.  The extra length could come in handy for a work train or breakdown crane to be parked.   Not often these days that the railway trackage grows,  if only by 5 inches !

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Moving a Box Part 2

 Listening to some advice from fellow Gauge O Guild members,  I decided it would look appropriate to have a wood ramp at the end of the platform where the Windrush Junction signal box has been moved to.  If you model in O scale / 7mm scale / O gauge,  you should really consider joining the Guild.  Lots of help and nice people that will assist you with any queries.  Take a look at

While perusing old copies of the excellent Railway Bylines publication,  I came across this neat photo of the GWR Radstock box.  Fortunately it was far easier to move my 1/43 model :)