Sunday, February 16, 2025

Moving the Goods

 No progress to report, a depressing week for many reasons.  It was quite a tonic to just sit, shunt some wagons, and watch the trains pass by, while sipping a drink & some jazz on the Hi-Fi.  It is good to have a hobby to retreat into at times.  The magical world of an O scale model railway is what works for me.  What works for you ?   

A GWR 45xx brings in the goods to Windrush Junction,  while Manning Wardle Niki departs Boxer Bay with the branch goods.  Both lovely models by Dapol & Minerva.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

1934 Airline Saloon

A little diversion took me into building a classic Motorkits 1934 SS1 Airline Saloon white metal car kit.  The inspiration for this little deviation was a happy memory of seeing a similar car at our local vintage sports car shop.  I should point out that seeing such cars on the Oregon coast is quite rare to say the least !  The model built up nicely with little trouble, always nice to see Made in England.  I feel the paint finish came out okay for a model railway, it's a little more glossy then the photos let on.  Now back to trains !